Why practice is important

 Have you ever heard the expression, “practice makes perfect”? Since I was 8 years old, I’ve been taking piano lessons. Learning to play piano is really fun, but it’s also really hard work. At the end of each school year my piano teacher would enter all of her students into a National Piano Playing Audition. At the audition, I was required to play four pieces from memory in front of a piano judge. Believe me, it was hard work! In order to prepare for the audition, I had to practice almost every day. The day of the audition, I was really nervous! After I played, I got a lot of wonderful feedback from the judge, and it felt really great to know that all my hard work paid off!
Sometimes in school, you might worry about turning in a project or doing well on a big test. The best way to prepare yourself is to practice a lot! If you have to present a poster in front of your class, you may want to practice reading it in front of your family. Then, your family can tell you what you need to do to improve your speech. The more you practice, the better chance you have of remembering what to say!
Just like my audition, I had to practice my pieces a lot. With lots of practice, I remembered exactly what to play and got lots of positive feedback. Don’t ever doubt yourself as soon as you find out you have to do something that takes practice. Many famous singers, football players, even movie directors need lots of extra practice to accomplish their goals. If you have a dream of doing something when you grow up, be sure to practice it! Practice in front of your family and friends, too! They can give you advice to make you better. Gilbert Rocks had lots of practice and experience with his guitar and his music before he was able to turn it into to something big, too!
Have you ever had to practice for something important? Did your hard work pay off? Leave your stories in the comments below!

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